Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Money comes from savings

The best ever book to read is "The Millionaire Next Door." Read it and it WILL change your life. Pay attention to how most millionaires accumulated enormous wealth throughout their life and how they unwisely spoiled their children (most of the time) and the wealth was gone within a generation or two.

Wealth is defined as "net worth," not "net income!" To accumulate net worth, you must have a positive number between "net income" and "net spending."

I am not going to burden anybody with all the statistics. The basic rule of wealth is that money comes from savings.

1. Be confident and secure about yourself - DO NOT TRY TO IMPRESS ANYBODY with material things!!! Actually avoid people who are easily impressed by material things because they are shallow and superficial.
2. live below your means - be frugal
3. spend your money wisely - mostly on things that hold long term value and/or generate income/dividend.
4. work hard
5. continue to educate yourself, especially on finances
6. get out of debt as soon as you can

For most people, 1 and 2 are very difficult. I am going to tell you this. Detach yourself from all the material stuff. You, firstly, need to be confident and secure. You must understand and demonstrate that you DO NOT NEED to impress anybody!!! Why do you need flashy cars, boats, fancy cloth etc.? The only thing those things can tell me is that you are unsure about yourself. You package yourself in those superficial stuff in hope that nobody would see the real you - the weak, the insecure, the boring and the empty.

Whom do we try to impress? I may be stupid, but I do not need to impress anybody. Girls? I need to judge if they are good enough for me before they judge me, and I get all the girls I want. Other people? What do I care about whether they think I am successful or not? I am successful. Period. :-)

Does it mean I am stingy? No, I am actually quite generous. I donate money to support the causes that I believe in. Does it mean I have no fun? Well, one of my hobbies cost me about $5000/year, and the other one costs even more. Go figure. Does it mean I make half million in a year? No, I am just a working class person just like many of you.

I don't drink, don't smoke, don't gamble, don't do drugs. My only vice is that I love women - the kind that is psychologically mature, knowledgeable, and beautiful. I detest shallow women who only know cloth, shoes, cosmetics, spending money, and partying. No matter how beautiful they are, if they have nothing to offer except for being pretty they do not deserve my attention!

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