Monday, July 7, 2008

the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

I guess i am too stupid to understand why there's any argument.

Besides the self-defense part of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, the single most important issue as most of us have conveniently ignored is ..., right, the right to keep and bear arms ensures the political power resides in the hands of firearm owners, in this case, the people, nor the politicians, nor the governors, nor the president, but the people.

As the most famous, successful and greatest "communist," Chairman Mao, eloquently and literally said:" Only gun barrels produce political power." Go figure why after he took over the whole China, he immediately banned all firearms except for his military, and since then the communist party has had full control of the military. Nobody understand the importance of guns better than Chairman Mao.

Well, nobody except for the founding fathers of the United State. The United States is a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people. The political power must always remain with its people. The only way for that to be true and stay true is to ensure that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Those great men had an ideal to build an ideal country, but sadly the followers, us, are far from being so wise.

You want to call yourself American? Go get a gun, and better yet, get an AR15 with EOTech.

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